Ancestral Health SymposiumNL 2022

On Saturday June 11 2022, the AHS Netherlands is organising its 5th symposium with a spectacular line-up! Gary Taubes, Eric C. Westman, Amy Berger, Tim Noakes*, Yvo Sijpkens and Frits Muskiet have all agreed to speak. With these speakers and you as enthusiastic visitors, we are assured of a wonderful day full of science and experience!

On this day we put nutrition and lifestyle at the forefront of the fight for health from an evolutionary perspective. What mechanisms are behind the mismatch hypothesis and how do we reverse the trail to degenerative disease?

Sign up now for our Lustrum Symposium and procure a ticket for this unique event. When you register for the symposium you pay €129 ($151) which includes a hot paleo/keto lunch. Take a look at the programme!

We hope to welcome you on Saturday June 11 in Amsterdam UMC – Location AMC to come and experience this great group of scientists and fellow interested parties.

* Tim Noakes will not be physically present at the upcoming symposium but his presentation will be streamed live …

Ancestral Health Symposium 2022
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